Game Design and Development 1
Michigan State University
Unity Project: Solar System (Week 1)
Student: Edward Ganges

Modifications from starter project:

  1. prefabs for Planets, Moons, and Explosion Fx
  2. scripts (new and augmented) for Planet, Comet and Camera behaviour
  3. audioClips for planet/comet collision Fx
  4. CoRoutines for animated explosion Fx
  5. sprites for Rings of Saturn, Explosion Fx, and Custom Splash Screen
  6. RayCasting to anticipate collisions
  7. textures for Mar's moons 
  8. camera automation for comet, collision, and planet tracking for variety
  9. all 9 planets, properly scaled
  10. accurately scaled planet spacing, scaled to Pluto @ 100 meters
  11. accurately scaled planet rotations, relative to earth speed
  12. moon for Earth (properly scaled and spaced)
  13. moons for Mars (scaled and spaced for visibility)
  14. automated camera focusing  of comets, collision, and planets for variety
  15. Custom Splash Screen
  16. Renamed project: Solar Impact, An Extinction Event Gambling Simulation


  1. Original assets by MSU.
  2. “Additional sound effects from


  • Modification Design: Edward Ganges
  • Cover Artist: Edward Ganges
  • Programmer: Edward Ganges
  • Audio Mixer: Edward Ganges

Copyright © 2022 Edward C. Ganges. All rights reserved.


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Install instructions

Either launch in Web Browser via WebGL or download the .zip files for your platform, unzip the file, and double click the executable to play.

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